State of Open Data Survey 2017

The State of Open Data Survey is a yearly collaboration between Figshare and Springer Nature to survey researchers on their experieces, opinions and understanding of what Open Data means today. Questions cover a wide variety of topics, from the tools offered by institutions to funder policies and personal experiences of having used or made data available openly. This case study sought to provide an interactive overview of the survey responses, as a companion to the detailed State of Open Data Report 2017.

The majority of researchers still don’t think they have a publisher, funder or institutional mandate to share data...

These visualisations were built using R and Shiny, here's a basic overview of what Shiny is.

This project was started when Alan Hyndman got in touch with the IDN to build an interactive visual companion to the State of Open Data 2017 Report so that readers
could easily explore the data collected from the survey.

The visualisation makes use of the following charts:

  • Barcharts - useful for comparison, ranking or displaying the magnitude of data.
  • Choropleth

To replicate this interactive visualisation for yourself, refer to the IDN Shiny app template or else fork the actual code for the shiny app target="_blank">here. You an also contact the IDN on

Case Study Details